Where Do I Belong??

I took a long break from writing, but that didn't stop me from finding an inspiration for my new blog. Last month I went to Nainital with my cousins. It was an all cousin trip no parent allowed. We planned the trip and distributed the expenses. It's a lovely place but with limited resources. People have adapted themselves to the scarcity and that doesn't stop them from enjoying life. We, the tourist, on the other hand have so much want for luxury that fail to notice the basic reason why we took the vacation for in the first place.
People wanted the same kind of comfort as they get at their native place.. toh aae kyu phir huh..??
Me, mai toh bht adjusting type ki hu... In fact it's mentioned in the Qur'an that you must learn to live life with limited resources. The way you would have lived had you moved to Delhi from Lucknow. Live your life the way you would have lived in Delhi..you're getting my point? Right.
This means that the world is just a temporary refuge. We're not here to stay for long and our permanent address is something else. Hmmm I'll start mentioning that in my forms now. Anyways, Nainital was an awesome experience. The serenity the quiet atmosphere seemed to de-stress you. That was a much needed break for me as I was continuously struggling with what do I do with my career? questions.
We spent so much time and effort in increasing our qualifications, polishing our skills and making ourselves management ready. After all that we expect our jobs to be worth the struggle , well that doesn't seem to happen. At least not in Lucknow, where jobs are limited and parents don't want us to relocate, options become limited.

The feeling of being underemployed is very painful. You feel undeserving even after raising your qualifications so much.
The offers you get are fit for an inter pass but you to stoop so below your dignity just because something is better than nothing. This something is actually equal to nothing. 
The only question I keep asking myself is, where exactly do I belong? Have I accomplished enough to find a job fit for me or there are still some stones unturned ? Where do I lack? Why couldn't I find proper exposure. I never imagined I could be the victim of unemployment or worst underemployment. 
I keep juggling between my head and heart. I don't know which way to go, what to do with myself. All the efforts that I've put in since all these years doesn't seem to count. I still stand where I started, my struggle doesn't seem to end.  
Amongst all these negative vibes there are people who have extended their helping hands and have given their "gyan" to me. Something that still puzzles me is How much is enough? When do we can be sure that our qualifications are enough and after all this vigorous exercise of increasing our skills and qualifications we can be sure that we will find a decent job in the place that we live in.
Where do we exactly belong to? 
The resources are too much and the demand is low. Hence underemployed. 80% people accept the job given to them below their qualifications just because they don't want to lose everything for something. Once we realize where we belong we won't have to make much of these compromises.


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