This entire week kept me on my toes. It was hard to manage home and office simultaneously. My body ached and my mind became defunct. Hats off to all the working ladies who play both the roles with equal perfection along with a wailing kid hung onto their side. I wonder what keeps us going...? We don't complain even if we are too burdened. I doubt if that's a good thing we do. Our silence is becoming dangerous for us, rather I'd say even our revolting is...

I thought Lucknow was a safer city as compared to other metro cities. I felt safe to travel, but a recent incident shook all my myths away.....It give me shudders to even think about that incident..
We are compassionate lovers, caring mothers, understanding sisters, helpful friends and innocent daughters. We spend our life living for others and in return all we get is abuse, hatred, disrespect, disloyalty, rejection and if that's not enough we are beaten to death or cut into pieces!  That's the height of brutality! It's been over a year to Nirbhaya incident and nothing has changed. The someway similar recent incident proves it. A 19 year old bubbly, cheerful girl is cut into pieces apparently with a motorized cutter by a psycho killer who, the investigating body claims to be a 'known' person to the girl. The body was disposed off near Shaheed Path. I was mortified to hear such a thing. Where do we go now? Should we stop traveling or making friends or not marry or just stay at home fearing someone with an unstable mind would harass us or chop us off like this? In spite of doing everything a girl can, does she deserve such a treatment?
Let the boys be at home after dark why do we always expect girls to sacrifice their independence? 

People were always evil in every era but the kind of brutality we see now shows what kind of role models we have. Kids find it enthusiastic to beat someone up at school. Eve teasing has become a usual sight. The other day I saw two guys continuously following a girl and trying to grab her from behind. Her ignorance was taken for granted. Had she screamed they would have ran away, but wait, this recent incident makes us think twice. What is the way out? Our silence is taken for granted, if we shout and revolt then we need to be ready for the consequences. In both the cases we are the ones who'll suffer.

 What are these psychopaths planning ? ...a homosexual society? To remove all the females and let only manhood prevail. Seriously?? I refuse to call this manliness. This is what even animals won't do. Our honorable judiciary has impeccable laws and sentences written in their law books, but you see they are WRITTEN and not IMPLEMENTED. There is no fear whatsoever in the minds of the wrongdoer. He knows he'll get away with it. Getting away with killing a that's extreme!

The point is I want to put into focus is... is it becoming too hard to handle rejection? Being rejected becomes an issue of ego and someone goes to this limit to satisfy his male ego. This way the girl is being denied the right to take her decisions. To be honest we all face rejections, even girls do. We get rejected by the guys' parents or the guy himself. We are presented in front of our proposed in-laws and a mere mole or squint in the eye becomes the reason for rejection. In addition to that- unequal eyebrows, high pitch, low skin tone, too tall or too short..there's an unending list of silly reasons for rejection. Do we girls complain? Or go to the height of chopping their heads off and slaughtering them?? No we don't. We accept and move on. We don't go around throwing acids on their faces, we don't harass them like this. We don't even argue. We don't take away their right to take decisions for themselves. The Ashiana victim is still fighting for justice after 10 years of brutality. She was just 11 when she faced such a heinous crime. Her modesty was put to shame. The culprit got away with it, he moved on with his life , got married and has kids. Whereas she has confined herself within the boundaries of her house, left studies, and has faced life threats. Her younger sisters are having a tough time in facing the society. I am not surprised. Our society always suppresses the weaker one. 

It's time we start treating girls like humans before treating them like better halves.


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