Where the Mind Is Without Fear...

Late night I received a video message from one of my acquaintances. The video startled me and raised a million question about what is in the minds of those who claim to fight in the cause of Allah. It showed a group of "Islamic" fighters slitting the neck of a youth amidst the roar of Allah-hu-Akbar. I couldn't see it. My mind kept on repeating the scenes from the video. The innocent eyes of the youth kept haunting me. I felt guilty. His family would have never imagined a death like this. How cruel can we be...Allah would never allow such cruelty. Next day i sent a message to my friend telling him that the video was horrible. His reply shocked me..." they deserve this. Whoever comes in the way of Allah deserves this and more.." I realized his mentality was the same as those in the video. It's a shame that today's generation has taken violence to be the word of Allah. They claim to defending the honour of the Holy Prophet when actually the right way ...