Be Perfect or Die Trying...

It is a world of options...substitutes. U may opt for the other product if u don't like one. Every company claims to be the best manufacturer and would present to u the product in its best packaging to soothe ur eyes. It's marketing and it's absolutely fair to add all the 'Ps' available to create a marketing mix.
Perfection is one of them.
"Nothing is perfect" has become an old phrase now.. It's "we make it perfect" that sells.
The sad part is humans are one of the things that is made "perfect" these days. Matrimonial sites claim "perfect partner", cosmetic surgeons claim "perfect figure resurrection", people look for "perfect love".
It's sad to see people searching materialism in relationships.
If Allah had wanted he would have created "perfect" humans (well he has..but if u talk about flaws then there is imperfection)
Had he wanted, he would given us perfect partners, perfect eyes, nose or whatever we think isn't perfect. Perfection is a hollow word. It doesn't exist coz there is no criteria of perfection. Allah wants us to make adjustments, He wants us to see the beauty behind our flaws. I know most of us see themselves from the public view point but remember who themselves aren't perfect, cannot judge your imperfection. Allah created u Himself..isn't that great that He imagined You like this? It is.
See from His point of view..He finds u beautiful.
Never change or compromise for anything that's not worth it. Even if someone rejects you, it's his problem that he couldn't gather the guts to cover ur flaws and make u look beautiful. It's his inability to see u beyond ur skin. It's his bad luck to have lost a person with a golden heart.
Keep loving urself..


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