I always wanted to write something...a book,an article or just a diary, anything that allows me to unburden my soul. This blog is not a window to my life but the small experiences we all have and relate with each other.
I had a very optimistic 2014 until the last 2 months made it very suffocating for me to look forward to a new beginning. Sometimes I feel being patient is the only way out of our problems and other times I feel I must react and do something to change the outcome.
Both things go in vain.
My new year started with a trip around U.P. I traveled a lot. The chilling winters create a different atmosphere when u r traveling...though back breaking the trip made me realize it's important to keep going. U can't stop at a place for much time. U meet people, talk to them, like some and dislike most of them. I experienced what it is to eat on the outskirts of the city. What it is to drive on a foggy night on the steep slopes. When the world calendar was changing on 1st January, I was thinking of my friends and going on a trip with them. Surely this traveling has stirred a new passion in me. Also a realisation..we need to keep moving..we have to step out of our comfort zones. It will be challenging, will surely leave a mark (or marks) but u shall cherish it.


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