Hard to Please

"JFM...January, February and March are the most important months...last chance to prove ur caliber and last chance to move ahead above the rest...." screamed a voice over my head. A self-motivated senior who was repeating the same verses his seniors had chanted when he was a on my profile.
I like to chase targets coz when u complete them u get immense satisfaction, but these continuous reminders irritate me. Banks have targets on every profile whether it's the WD, teller or the BM itself. People opt for a give-and-take relationship. U give me leads for savings i shall give u leads for HSL, what goes around comes around. It becomes difficult to please everyone. U can't balance professional relationship and personal relationship. If u get along well with someone on the personal front and he may not be helping u out professionally, u r bound to report these things and then relationship gets bitter. Survival of a healthy relationship is tough in a competitive organization.
U can't keep everyone happy.
I am going to have a tough month ahead. I have not yet learnt the art of keeping everyone happy.


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