Where the Mind Is Without Fear...

Late night I received a video message from one of my acquaintances. The video startled me and raised a million question about what is in the minds of those who claim to fight in the cause of Allah.
It showed a group of "Islamic" fighters slitting the neck of a youth amidst the roar of Allah-hu-Akbar.
I couldn't see it. My mind kept on repeating the scenes from the video. The innocent eyes of the youth kept haunting me. I felt guilty. His family would have never imagined a death like this. How cruel can we be...Allah would never allow such cruelty.
Next day i sent a message to my friend telling him that the video was horrible. His reply shocked me..." they deserve this. Whoever comes in the way of Allah deserves this and more.." I realized his mentality was the same as those in the video.
It's a shame that today's generation has taken violence to be the word of Allah.
They claim to defending the honour of the Holy Prophet when actually the right way to defend his honor is to act like him. Violence can never be islamic. Killing innocent people can never be islamic.
Our beloved Prophet was treated very badly, he was insulted, hurt many times but never did he turned to violence. Had he wanted he would have turned the land upside down but never did he force anyone to follow Islam. All of our messengers very treated brutally, killed, insulted but Allah never gave the message of violence. Fighting in the name of those who had immense tolerance does not make sense. Prophet Mohammed never spoke in high pitch..Islam is a religion which says do not knock on the door of anyone more than thrice and that too very gently or he/she may get disturbed. How can that religion be tolerant towards violence. They are sick minded people who are weak. They justify themselves by taking cover against Islam. Courageous are those who have patience.
Our Prophet was loved immensely by Allah, did He not feel bad when Prophet faced troubles? But he gave him patience and strength and the same virtues should be followed by us.
My friend asked "we should not be scared if we r Muslims...we must show strength.."   "Those who have patience and forgiveness are the strongest, those who hurt others are weak" was my reply.
There are people who take advantage of this mentality in youths and divert them from the right path. Allah never advocates violence..nowhere in the Quran it's mentioned to kill an innocent...rather it's said if u kill a believer knowingly, U will be punished in hell. If u kill him by mistake u shall have to take responsibility of his family.
Our messagers were the most gentle and patient and Allah is the most forgiving and merciful. How can He allow killing?
Leave alone upto Allah who needs to be punished... not keeping patience is doubting the wisdom of Allah. He knows what's best and every time in the history of Islam he has punished the wrong-doers. He drowned the entire generation of wrongdoers at the time of Noah a.s. He punished the entire country of Pharoah. If He finds it right, He shall punish again. Violence is not the way of Islam. It's the most peaceful religion.
Let there be harmony and peace and faith in the judgment of Allah...coz He is All Aware. All Knowing. All Wise.


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