No Promises

For the entire time that I lived in Delhi the only thing that brought my senses to life was the last ride that I took with my Love on his very adorable Avenger bike. The sky was turning from blue to grey.. the stars were finding their way out to peep from the dark skies and what added to the beauty were tower touching airplanes that flew right over us. Finally I was experiencing the rawness that I was used to. Although we were out for a specific purpose I didn't want us to go there. Rather I wanted the ride to never end. I clenched him closer to me as if to make sure he's all mine. He had been very supportive all throughout my stay in Delhi. Took me to places I'd never seen let alone visiting and if it weren't him I never would have. Everywhere we went I saw his eyes chasing me. It held my breath. I wanted to kill myself for not being able to show the same madness for him but only I know how much pleasure it gave me just to stare at the eyes only meant to see me. I don...