
Showing posts from 2015

No Promises

For the entire time that I lived in Delhi the only thing that brought my senses to life was the last ride that I took with my Love on his very adorable Avenger bike. The sky was turning from blue to grey.. the stars were finding their way out to peep from the dark skies and what added to the beauty were tower touching airplanes that flew right over us. Finally I was experiencing the rawness that I was used to. Although we were out for a specific purpose I didn't want us to go there. Rather I wanted the ride to never end. I clenched him closer to me as if to make sure he's all mine. He had been very supportive all throughout my stay in Delhi. Took me to places I'd never seen let alone visiting and if it weren't him I never would have. Everywhere we went I saw his eyes chasing me. It held my breath. I wanted to kill myself for not being able to show the same madness for him but only I know how much pleasure it gave me just to stare at the eyes only meant to see me. I don...

Where Do I Belong??

I took a long break from writing, but that didn't stop me from finding an inspiration for my new blog. Last month I went to Nainital with my cousins. It was an all cousin trip no parent allowed. We planned the trip and distributed the expenses. It's a lovely place but with limited resources. People have adapted themselves to the scarcity and that doesn't stop them from enjoying life. We, the tourist, on the other hand have so much want for luxury that fail to notice the basic reason why we took the vacation for in the first place. People wanted the same kind of comfort as they get at their native place.. toh aae kyu phir huh..?? Me, mai toh bht adjusting type ki hu .. . In fact it's mentioned in the Qur'an that you must learn to live life with limited resources. The way you would have lived had you moved to Delhi from Lucknow. Live your life the way you would have lived in're getting my point? Right. This means that the world is just a tem...

VIDEO - What makes Prophet Muhammad ﷺ the greatest person in history ?



I request you all to kindly read this article to get your terms right. I met many people who say that Islam oppresses women and doesn't librate them. Individual acts are often confused with Islam as a religion. A person's act cannot justify Islam. I shall appreciate if you go through this article and realize that it's only a myth and not the truth that women are oppressed in Islam.


Don't leave the house after dark Don't go alone, take your brother along Behave like a girl Girls don't speak the way you do You can't go out with friends, papa won't like it .... Sounds familiar? Well, it does to me. I am the elder child of the family. I feel I have got responsibilities too. Being a girl doesn't make me feel less important for my family. In fact I have always played the role of an elder son. Doing odd chores of the house, bringing monthly rashan on my scooty, whether official or household I have done it all. I am well versed with the streets and crowd of Lucknow. It's because of this that I have inhibited some of the characteristics of males. The way they think, walk, talk and roam about fearlessly. In fact I get along with the male crowd more freely. I have the ability to punch a guy right in the face or to raise my voice against any wrongdoing. I loved being the elder child and sharing responsibilities but from time to time I'...


This entire week kept me on my toes. It was hard to manage home and office simultaneously. My body ached and my mind became defunct. Hats off to all the working ladies who play both the roles with equal perfection along with a wailing kid hung onto their side. I wonder what keeps us going...? We don't complain even if we are too burdened. I doubt if that's a good thing we do. Our silence is becoming dangerous for us, rather I'd say even our revolting is... I thought Lucknow was a safer city as compared to other metro cities. I felt safe to travel, but a recent incident shook all my myths away.....It give me shudders to even think about that incident.. We are compassionate lovers, caring mothers, understanding sisters, helpful friends and innocent daughters. We spend our life living for others and in return all we get is abuse, hatred, disrespect, disloyalty, rejection and if that's not enough we are beaten to death or cut into pieces!  That's the height of brutali...

Where the Mind Is Without Fear...

Late night I received a video message from one of my acquaintances. The video startled me and raised a million question about what is in the minds of those who claim to fight in the cause of Allah. It showed a group of "Islamic" fighters slitting the neck of a youth amidst the roar of Allah-hu-Akbar. I couldn't see it. My mind kept on repeating the scenes from the video. The innocent eyes of the youth kept haunting me. I felt guilty. His family would have never imagined a death like this. How cruel can we be...Allah would never allow such cruelty. Next day i sent a message to my friend telling him that the video was horrible. His reply shocked me..." they deserve this. Whoever comes in the way of Allah deserves this and more.." I realized his mentality was the same as those in the video. It's a shame that today's generation has taken violence to be the word of Allah. They claim to defending the honour of the Holy Prophet when actually the right way ...

Be Perfect or Die Trying...

It is a world of options...substitutes. U may opt for the other product if u don't like one. Every company claims to be the best manufacturer and would present to u the product in its best packaging to soothe ur eyes. It's marketing and it's absolutely fair to add all the 'Ps' available to create a marketing mix. Perfection is one of them. "Nothing is perfect" has become an old phrase now.. It's "we make it perfect" that sells. The sad part is humans are one of the things that is made "perfect" these days. Matrimonial sites claim "perfect partner", cosmetic surgeons claim "perfect figure resurrection", people look for "perfect love". It's sad to see people searching materialism in relationships. If Allah had wanted he would have created "perfect" humans (well he has..but if u talk about flaws then there is imperfection) Had he wanted, he would given us perfect partners, perfect eyes,...

Hard to Please

"JFM...January, February and March are the most important months...last chance to prove ur caliber and last chance to move ahead above the rest...." screamed a voice over my head. A self-motivated senior who was repeating the same verses his seniors had chanted when he was a on my profile. I like to chase targets coz when u complete them u get immense satisfaction, but these continuous reminders irritate me. Banks have targets on every profile whether it's the WD, teller or the BM itself. People opt for a give-and-take relationship. U give me leads for savings i shall give u leads for HSL, what goes around comes around. It becomes difficult to please everyone. U can't balance professional relationship and personal relationship. If u get along well with someone on the personal front and he may not be helping u out professionally, u r bound to report these things and then relationship gets bitter. Survival of a healthy relationship is tough in a competitive organizatio...


I always wanted to write something...a book,an article or just a diary, anything that allows me to unburden my soul. This blog is not a window to my life but the small experiences we all have and relate with each other. I had a very optimistic 2014 until the last 2 months made it very suffocating for me to look forward to a new beginning. Sometimes I feel being patient is the only way out of our problems and other times I feel I must react and do something to change the outcome. Both things go in vain. My new year started with a trip around U.P. I traveled a lot. The chilling winters create a different atmosphere when u r traveling...though back breaking the trip made me realize it's important to keep going. U can't stop at a place for much time. U meet people, talk to them, like some and dislike most of them. I experienced what it is to eat on the outskirts of the city. What it is to drive on a foggy night on the steep slopes. When the world calendar was changing on 1st Ja...